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Preview of the first image of Spring Honey Bee Nucs 2024.

Advert Description

These Nucs are the perfect way to start your beekeeping journey, or to increase your apiary size. The 5 frame nucs will be headed up by one of our carefully selected and bred Buckfast queen bees. She will be marked Green (2024) and unclipped. In the nuc will be around 1.5 frames of stores and the remaining will be brood in all stages (eggs, Larvae, capped brood). We breed our queens to be highly productive, calm on the comb, hygienic and have a low swarm tendency.
At the start of the year we will carefully inspect, observe and examine our hives to select our breeder queen for the year. The grafts are then moved into a hive full of honey, pollen and nurse bees, to produce the best queen cells. Once ready they are moved to our queen mating yard where they will mate
and start to lay. Once we have observed a good laying pattern, and only then, will they be used in our nucs.

These are national nucs on DN4 (self spacing) frames. All hives are routinely treated for varroa mites. Bees will be provided in a correx box and are able to be posted for additional cost (£20)

Various dates for delivery/collection

3rd to 6th May
24th to 27th May
24th to 27th June
15th to 18th July

The Bees can be collected from OX39 or posted for an additional £20 per nuc. They will be posted by Royal mail, next day, before 1pm.

Limited number available.

Preloved Safety Advice:

  • Important: Before responding to any pet ad, be sure to read our Pet Buying Checklist and download your copy for free.
  • Photos: Photos on ads can be misleading. Sellers may temporarily group animals in confined spaces, purely to get a photo. These images don't represent an animal's natural habitat. Always visit the pet in their current home so you can see their housing for yourself.
  • Research: Always learn everything you can about a species before contacting a seller. This will give you a better idea of what to expect when you go to visit a seller, what questions to ask, and what else you might need to buy.
  • Payments: Always use a safe payment method that offers you some protection, such as PayPal or Credit Card.
  • Reporting Concerns: If you've seen an ad on Preloved the breaches our welfare listing guidelines, you can click on 'Report Advert' just below the ad and we'll investigate your concerns.

Additional Information

Advert Type
Private Advert
Current Age
2 years
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