Whether it’s plants, paving slabs, or patio furniture, save with our Preloved garden bargains today! 
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Advert Description

C. Gracilis (Florida Bark Scorpion)- £40
Paravaejovis Spinigerus (Devil Scorpion)- £40
Heterometrus Spinifer (Asian Forest) - £30
C. Intermedia -£45

Phormictopus Auratus (Cuban Bronze) - £45
P. Haematostoma - £55
Aphonopelma Seemaani (Costa Rican Zebra) - £50
Africactenus Poecilus (African Wandering Spider) - £45
Nhandu Chromatus (Brazillian Red&White) - £30
Lasiodora Parahybana (Salmon Pink Birdeater) - £25
X2 Ceratogyrus Darlingi (Rear Horned Baboon)- £55
Chaco Golden Knee Female - £85
Brachypelma Boehmei (Mexican Fireleg)- £75
Heteropoda Javana (Javana Huntsman) - £35
Harmonicon Oiapoqueae (Red & Black Curtain Web) - £40
Chilobrachys Fimbriatus (Indian Violet)- £45
X2 Stromatopelma Calceatum (Featherleg Baboon) - £55
Harpactira Pulchripes (Golden Blue Baboon) - £150
Grammostola Rosea (Red Chilean Rose) - £90
Grammastola Pulchripes (Chaco Golden Knee)- £85
Heteroscoda Maculata (Togo Starburst) - £35 - £50
Ceratogyrus Meridionalis (Zimbabwe Grey) - £65
Dolomedes Okefinokensis (Giant Fishing Spider) - £35
Hysterocrates Gigas (Cameroon Red Baboon) - £50
Cyriopagopus Lividus (Cobalt Blue) - £65

Tlilocatl Vagans (Mexican Red Rump) - £10
Chilobrachys Huahini (Asian Fawn) - £8.50

Creoboter Sp. Yunnan (Yunnan Flower Mantis)- £20
Hierodula Membracea (Giant Asian)- £15
Miomantis Caffra (South African Mantis) £20

Other Inverts:
Ophisteptus Guineensis (Chocolate Millipede) - £22
Lucihormetica Subcinta (Headlight Roaches) - £3.99 each
Pleuroloma Flavipes (Cherry Millipedes) - £25
X2 Vinegaroon -£50
Olive Pill Bugs - £20
Absolus Verrucosus (Feigning Death Beetles) - £22 each
Scolopendra Cingulata (Mexican Banded Centipede) - £25
Rhysida Longripes (Minor Blue Leg Centipede) - £35
Homoderus Gladiator (Gladiator Stag Beetle) Female - £60 per pair
African Tan Millipede - £15
Hermit Crabs - £25
Giant African Land Snails - £1.99 - £3.99
Scolopendra Dehaani (Giant Vietnamese Centipede) - £40
Dung Beetles: £12
Tailess whip Scorpion - £40

Preloved Safety Advice:

  • Important: Before responding to any pet ad, be sure to read our Pet Buying Checklist and download your copy for free.
  • Photos: Photos on ads can be misleading. Sellers may temporarily group animals in confined spaces, purely to get a photo. These images don't represent an animal's natural habitat. Always visit the pet in their current home so you can see their housing for yourself.
  • Research: Always learn everything you can about a species before contacting a seller. This will give you a better idea of what to expect when you go to visit a seller, what questions to ask, and what else you might need to buy.
  • Payments: Always use a safe payment method that offers you some protection, such as PayPal or Credit Card.
  • Reporting Concerns: If you've seen an ad on Preloved the breaches our welfare listing guidelines, you can click on 'Report Advert' just below the ad and we'll investigate your concerns.

Additional Information

  • This advert has had 2069 views
  • This advert was Created 223 days ago
  • This advert was Updated 15 days ago
  • Longton, Staffordshire
Advert Type
Business Advert
Current Age
13 months