£8 Each For Sale

Coloured egg layer chicks/ chickens day old rare organic hen

This advert is located in and around Pickering, North Yorkshire

Preview of the first image of Coloured egg layer chicks/ chickens day old rare organic hen.

Advert Description

Here for sale at T.o.p.s (traditional
Organic poultry suppliers)

Day old coloured egg layers from
Our mixed pen of rare breed birds with olive egged green egg and blue egg layer cockerels. This will produce a wide range of coloured eggs from chicks.

Available from day old on heat. We will also soon have rare breed pure chicks available when the weather improves egg production.

From £5 each depending on quantity up to £8 each for hybrids and £10 for pure breed

Additional Information

Advert Type
Private Advert
Coloured eggs
Current Age
4 months