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SOLD OUT till the spring.....thanks to all our customers this year was great to see all your chick pics !
We will have 4 types of pure Maran breeds
And Plymouth barred rocks
Hatching eggs , small numbers
available, most of my cockerels are with 3/4 hens fertility is perfect
My last batch of 84 eggs 80 hatched all most perfect I think
Buff Sussex x Light Sussex (sex link )
French copper Maran hybrid ( sex link ) dark brown eggs
Mottled leghorns / white eggs
Welsummer pure dark eggs
Brahma cream / white eggs
Cream crusted legbar, blue eggs
Cream crusted legbar x Swedish flower hen / Easter egger
Aracana x white legbar ( hybrid )/ nice sized eggs blue or green
Buff Orpington / cream or sometimes pale pink ( out of stock all hens Broody )
Rhode Island red , beautiful birds from show stock
Farm yard mix, light Sussex cockerel and Rhode red cockerels
Running with Rir hens light Sussex , marans , welsummer, leghorns
All colours of eggs , make beautiful interesting looking chickens
orders will made up from what is available on day
Collection only from Staverton Daventry
£2.00 per egg
All my chickens are of the best quality are well looked after and loved
This is a out of hand hobby , labour of love , family business