Preview of the first image of 4 MV accredited Pedigree Shropshire ewe lambs R1s.

Advert Description

4 Shropshire ewe lambs sired by Redgate Weatherman. Pedigree MV accredited flock, all are bred from R1 scrapie resistant genotype ARR/ARR stock so will be R1s. They have been started on the heptavac P+ vaccination programme and will have their first 2 injections prior to weaning. Naturally reared on an upland farm, all out of aged ewes, one is a lovely large stocky lamb and should be ideal to show and she can be sold separately if wished, asking price for her is £350.
Early February born lambs, ready to go early May

£950 for the group of 4 lambs together to include registration.

Local delivery offered if required.

Additional Information

Advert Type
Private Advert
Current Age
3 months