Preloved Bulk Imports

Below are the specifications for importing listings to Preloved in bulk.

Please note that we only allow the listing of certain second hand items for sale. Please contact us prior to preparing any data for advice on whether we can accept your products and advice on the best format for you.

Tab Delimited Format

You can submit adverts in a tab delimited format. This is a plain text file with each piece of information separated by a tab character.

It is possible to create these files using Microsoft Excel. For more details see the specification below:

RSS 2.0 Format

We can also accept adverts submitted in XML format. We use an RSS 2.0 format enhanced with addition information by adding fields within a Preloved XML namespace. For more details, see the specification below:

Other Formats

If you have an existing system that holds information about the listings you wish to post to Preloved, you may find that it can export a file in Tab delimited format as it is a common format used by many web sites (for example Google Base). If the format you can output doesn't match exactly that above, please let us know - we may be able to accommodate it.