New Search Function on Preloved
We've launched a new search function! Did you notice? Find out how to conduct the best search and learn about other cool on-site features!
Preloved Android App Launch! #PrelovedOnTheGo
Finally! The Preloved Android App is here! All of you lovely users that own Android devices can now bargain hunt and sell your treasures on the move. #PrelovedOnTheGo
The Preloved App Has Arrived! #PrelovedOnTheGo
The Preloved App has finally arrived! Find out how you can create ads in seconds on the go, keep up to date with all your Preloved activity and find great bargains and free stuff in your area, all direct from your iOS device with #PrelovedOnTheGo!
Get Time Travelling on Preloved!
Imagine being able to travel back in time at the click of a button - where would you go..? All aboard the Preloved Time Machine because we're travelling back to the 1950s to grab a bargain piece of memorabilia from that period.
Pre' to Tweet You
We've now joined the ranks of the twitterati on Twitter to bring you regular tweets and updates about your favourite buying and selling website.
Local Ad Alerts
One of the most common questions we are asked is how to limit the number of adverts that get sent each day by our Ad Alert system and in particular, how to receive only local results. Read on to find out how!