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Pupdate Ponies: Jane and Tom

Always wanted to learn to ride, or give a horse or pony a home? No decision to rehome an animal should be taken lightly, but with the extra costs involved, rehoming a horse or pony is a very big commitment. However, with the right care and attention, horses and ponies can give you so much more in return. Keep reading to learn more about Jane and her cheeky little Shetland pony Tom!

Jane and Tom

Tom is a lovely Shetland pony. He is 15 years old and he has been a part of our family for 10 months now. He is a cheeky little chap, and a happy pony with a nice temperament.

I am now disabled due to a riding accident. Tom, being a Shetland Pony, is small. I got him to give him a home for life and as a companion for my other Shetland Pony Tilly, bought for me for Valentine's day by my partner. Tilly needed a friend to share her field and stable, and thanks to Tom and Tilly, I am now part of the horse world again, they love me and I love them.

tom and tilly grazing

The most challenging part of giving any pony a home is the cost required in taking good care of them. I have almost 50 years experience in keeping horses and ponies, and although any animal can be expensive to keep, horses and ponies are considerably so. You have to think about the correct food, living environment, if you have time to take care of them, turning them out, mucking out their stables and bringing them in during the winter months - all of this is challenging. Plus of course, the dreaded vet bills.

Ponies need worming at least 4 times a year and their feet trimming every 8-10 weeks. So all that and the price of feed, hay, bedding, grazing, stabling, rugs and your time - can you give all this? If your answer is no or you are unsure, do not get a pony. You can't just put them in a field and go when you want. It is an every day, twice a day (at least) chore to check up on them. A pony may be on here to be rehomed for free, but not once you have transported it to it's new home and start caring for it, the reality is very far from free. Think, think and think again before giving any horse or pony a home.

Justine Dench
Justine Dench Creative Editor
Justine Dench is the creative editor for Preloved. Her key personal interests include sustainability, conservation and animal welfare. Justine also has interests in photography, music, gardening and home interiors.

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