Trustap: The Free Service For Preloved Sellers
Find out how Trustap, a free service available to Preloved sellers, can give buyers peace of mind, and increase the interest in a seller's listings.
Preventing Pet Seller Scams On Preloved
Preloved are always looking at ways to spot pet scammers and what we can do to help. Partnering with Trustap is our new way to help in preventing pet scams.
Introducing Preloved and Trustap!
As the UK's Most Trusted Second-hand Marketplace, we are thrilled to announce that we are making online buying and selling even safer with the introduction of Trustap!
Trustap And The Buyer's Journey
Trustap: The service that gives peace of mind to both the buyer and the seller, meaning our customers no longer have to place their trust in someone who they don’t know. We're adding more trust with every 'Trustap' transaction. Find out more!
The Safer Way To Pay - Introducing Trustap
Trustap is for peace of mind. Trustap is a service specifically designed for people who want to transact with other people online. Every one of these transactions has a buyer and a seller and, for the vast majority of these transactions, the person you will be transacting with will be a complete stranger to you. Trustap protects you from all types of scams and ensures that your transaction is completed safely and successfully.