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Preview of the first image of Beautiful Female Ball Python.

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With an extremely heavy heart I write this post to rehome my sweet Koda. she's roughly 4-5 years old and I was told she's Fire morph when I picked her up. I don't have a weight on her just now but last recorded in July last year she was 898g. unfortunately my health has been on a rapid decline since last year and I've not been home a lot due to having to stay with a family member which in turn has led to a lack in care for Koda. Im ashamed to admit it's been bare minimum and I don't want to put her through anymore so have to rehome for her sake. koda is a very loved family pet. Myself and my little girl absolutely adore her and so she won't be going to just anyone. First hand experience and knowledge with pythons is a must before I will feel comfortable for her to go. With that being said I understand it will deter some folk but a 5* home is a must. Koda will come with a 4ft x 2ft wooden vivarium, water dish, 2 hides, driftwood decor, her tank light and heat mat. Temperament wise Koda is fantastic. She's never been one for showing aggression, never bitten or kissed and is great when out. She loves to be on you or having a nosey about the room. I take her into the garden in the summer and she slithers through the grass for ages with the odd periscope here and there. She's just an absolute dream to handle and own. My 8 year old daughter is besotted with her and Koda is excellent with my daughter. She can sometimes be a bit of a fuss pot when it comes to feeding but 8 times out of 10 she will take and depending on how she feels on that particular feeding day will depend on whether it's a drop feed or whether your holding it for a strike. Sometimes she won't take unless it's on top of her hide and other times she looks to strike and comes right up to you. Shes fed in her viv never been taken out to feed. Koda has never had mites or been ill and in the 3ish years I've had her she has only had 2 bad sheds. Please please no time wasters as this is hard enough. Thank you.

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  • Photos: Photos on ads can be misleading. Sellers may temporarily group animals in confined spaces, purely to get a photo. These images don't represent an animal's natural habitat. Always visit the pet in their current home so you can see their housing for yourself.
  • Research: Always learn everything you can about a species before contacting a seller. This will give you a better idea of what to expect when you go to visit a seller, what questions to ask, and what else you might need to buy.
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Additional Information

Advert Type
Private Advert
Ball Python
Current Age
4 years
CITES Article 10
No - this species does not require an Article 10 certificate