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Preview of the first image of CB19 Uroplatus Henkeli pair (unrelated).

Advert Description

Up for sale are my CB19 unrelated pair of Uroplatus henkeli.

I’ve had these since they were months old in 2019 (October and December and sourced separately with different shops/sources) with the hopes of pairing them up once they were adult but I honestly don’t have the time commitments required to raise on eggs/possible babies etc so alas I am looking to let them go. I’ve also switched jobs since having them so I just don’t get to enjoy them when they’re at their most active anymore.

She laid slugs both last year and this so hopefully they will produce in future (always fingers crossed) as there are far too few of these amazing geckos about.

In their time with me they’ve raised under UVB and had access to every available appropriately sized feeder and necessary supplements so both are doing everything they should regards eating/pooping/shedding and are in great health.

They’re honestly both stunners, she has lots of pale colours split in bands and he’s a gorgeous chocolate brown with the white spots on his neck. Rare chance to pickup a not often seen anymore, collection preferred but will use reputable transporter at buyers expense/risk.

Thanks for looking and any questions just let me know.

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  • Photos: Photos on ads can be misleading. Sellers may temporarily group animals in confined spaces, purely to get a photo. These images don't represent an animal's natural habitat. Always visit the pet in their current home so you can see their housing for yourself.
  • Research: Always learn everything you can about a species before contacting a seller. This will give you a better idea of what to expect when you go to visit a seller, what questions to ask, and what else you might need to buy.
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Additional Information

Advert Type
Private Advert
Uroplatus Henleli
Current Age
5 years
CITES Article 10
No - this species does not require an Article 10 certificate