6 Unthreatening Pranks for Halloween
Some people clearly do not know when it's acceptable to start playing tricks in the run up to Halloween. Creepy clowns, need I say more? In the spirit of pranking people, but not destroying private or public property, nor making them feel threatened to the point of a fight or flight reaction, here are some pranks you can play on people this Halloween.
1. Give something other than sweets. You can be semi-nice and give out some dried fruit, nuts, crisps or balloons. Alternatively, go full out and give wrappers, post-it notes, tea bags, hand sanitiser…
2. Stuff some trousers and a shirt to make the shape of a human. Prop it against the garage door and make it look like the head and hands were cut off.
3. Buy some dot stickers of different colours and put them up randomly around the street, put one on your door too so you look innocent. Enjoy the paranoia!
4. If you are able to utilise your outdoor space, you could play some games so kids can “earn” their sweets, such as having a piñata, playing pin the donkey, a riddle, etc. Asking for sweets and getting them can get a bit repetitive and be over quite quickly if not many neighbours participate in the trick-or-treating. You can be as mean as you like; i.e. no sweets at all if they don’t get the tail right, or hit the piñata. Or you can give everyone something and the winners a little more. Depends if you’re dressed up as a witch or politician!
5. Attach a string to a spider and stick the other end to the outside of the front door. Place the spider on the top (or other side) of the door, so when it opens the spider will come flying down towards the trick-or-treaters’ head.
6. And one of our favourites. Prepare a surface with either an old table you might henceforth use as the prank table or some cardboard boxes that resemble a table. Cut a hole in the centre so a hand can fit through. Place a black table cloth on top that will have a matching hole and place a bucket (you guessed it, with a hole) on top of that. Put some sweets around the edges (you can be as inventive as you want here) and place a note that says: “pick only one!” As the trick-or-treaters come to visit, have someone sit under the table and reach out a hand through the bucket when the kids try to take the sweets. Mwahahaha!!