Preloved This is the Preloved logo mark which shows a symbol shaped to represent a speech bubble and the letter P with a love heart symbol cut out of the center. The words 'Preloved' are represented along side the logo mark.
Hints & Tips

Green Friday: How To Be Greener

With it being Black Friday and Preloved understanding that whilst you might want to be sustainable hiding from the sales is near impossible. That’s why we run Green Friday initiatives alongside. Meaning you can get your offers and help the planet in different ways. Whilst buying sustainable is the number one, there are many more things to do. Which we will be sure to run through with you here. Being greener is easier than you think! Green Friday: How To Be Greener.

What Is Greener?

When we talk about being green as an adjective we are referring to sustainability. Making choices that impact the world and it’s environment. Something we can all do in our everyday life. It’s the idea of picking paper straws instead of plastic. Choosing to walk to the shop instead of drive. Small sustainable, ethical driven decisions that if made habit can have a larger impact. What we want to focus on this Green Friday is that being greener isn’t as complicated as you think. When you break it down to the simple idea of what being greener is, you’ll probably surprise yourself with how much you’re already doing.

Why It’s Important

Lets start with the old age argument, of how can YOU alone help solve this MASSIVE issue?! It’s important to remember that your contribution not only gives you a sense of pride, but also will help keep our environment cleaner. You will be helping lower CO2 emission, and reduce waste. Then if we think about everyone in your family doing the same that impact will grow. Then as your family grows the impact grows.

With over 8 million tonnes of plastic still entering the ocean, being a conscious consumer continues to become more important by the day. Which is why we need to think smarter about what we invest our money into.

Ways You Can Be Greener

Now we have establish what being greener is and why it’s important lets touch on some ways to save energy, reduce costs and be more environmentally friendly. With our top ten tips here:

  • Reuse before recycling – Can you use the other side of the paper you’ve got your shopping list on?;
  • Go Digital – Are you still getting your paper statement from the bank but have a smart phone? Download the app to get access all the time, and not have to worry about shredding your confidently letter;
  • Switch Lights Off – Cue all Dads around the UK – “It’s like Blackpool Pleasure beach in here!”;
  • Recycle – Make sure you are all read up on those recycling bins and know what goes where and when;
  • Switch It Off – You are still using electricity when your items are left on standby, make sure you’re flicking them off at the wall socket too;
  • Share Your Items – Finding that you need a glue gun or a drill but you only need it once a year? Ask your neighbour and then return the offer when they ask the same;
  • Watch That Water – Make sure you are thinking smart, take showers over baths, switch the tap off during brushing your teeth;
  • Commute On Public Transport – Consider your journey, can you get public transport or walk;
  • Bring Your Own Lunch – Supplying your own lunch means that you aren’t constantly buying products, which means less packaging wasted;
  • Use Glass Containers – When you are bringing your own food in be sure it’s in reusable glass containers.

An Added Extra

Buy and sell those Preloved items on ours truly! Sign up to a Premium membership for just £5 here!

Lucy Roberts

Lucy Roberts

Marketing Executive

Lucy works on all things Marketing in the Preloved Team. Not only does she love all things puppy related but she also enjoys trying her hand at any and all DIY's.