Loved Up! Odd Animal Couples

Love is in the air this Valentine’s Day! But it’s not just the human world that celebrates their love for each other; the animal kingdom is discovering their romantic side too. More and more furry creatures are developing unlikely friendships, making us humans melt inside. Here are our favourite 'odd animal couples' to give you relationship envy as you learn of their cute and fluffy ways.
Unlikely Animal Friendships
(image source; Solent news and photos)
Reportedly spending their evenings watching Eastenders together, snuggled up on the sofa, Torque and Shrek are one of the most unlikely couples in our list. When Torque the greyhound was only 6 months old, he took Shrek the female owl under his ‘wing’ and the pair developed a close friendship. Although the relationship began slowly, with owner John introducing the pair gradually, they are now closer than ever, with protective Torque keeping a close eye on Shrek daily to make sure she doesn’t get in to any mischief!
(image source: Sascha Schuermann / AFP/Getty Images)
Although Manni the wild boar may not have had the best start in life, being found in his hour of need by the Dahlhaus family in Germany was definitely the best thing to ever happen to him. Shortly after being taken in and bought back to health, after being abandoned by his mother from an early age, the family introduced Manni to Candy – the family's friendly Jack Russell. The pair now spend hours in the fields together, playing their favourite game ‘hide and seek’!
(image source: SWNS)
Little Dennis the chick was adopted by Labrador Fred when he was left for dead, after his mother was sadly taken away by wild animal. As soon as Fred spotted Dennis, he licked him clean and he hasn’t left his side since. They snuggle up together at night to keep cosy, and even go swimming in their local pond together.
Hoping for a more human based rendezvous? Why not get some inspiration from our Affordable and Adorable Valentines Date suggestions
Terri is passionate about three things in life: Cats, Crafts and Food. With a degree in 3D Design Crafts, specialising in Jewellery, she loves creating new things from found objects and recycled materials. An avid hoarder of anything cute or quirky, she has a fine collection of cat themed ceramic objects and everything in her home has been sourced from friends, family and the odd car boot sale!