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Buying & selling

Build Your Summer Wardrobe On A Budget

With the warmer temperatures we are having here in the UK we need to start making some summer clothes investments. It’s hard not to jump onto the micro trends during the summer holidays, but we need to be thinking long term. To build you summer wardrobe you want to consider many different factors. Such as, budget! Getting new pieces for your wardrobe can be costly, especially when shopping for the family as well. Which is why we wanted to share our tips on how to build your summer wardrobe on a budget.

What Clothes Do You Need & What Do You Want

There is a real difference on picking items that you need and those you want. When you are heavily restricted to a budget then you need to consider that you might not be able to get everything you want. Therefore meaning you need to prioritise those items you need. When you are shopping for the whole family it makes sense to build a list of what EVERYONE needs/wants. From that list you can see what items you need to look for now. For example if your son needs a winter coat it’s not going to be at the top of the list even though he needs it, but you might want to keep an out for a good sale price.

Where Are You Heading

If you have something fun planned for you or for the whole family – where is it? UK staycations tend to make for heavier handed packing as we can NEVER predict what type of weather we are going to be faced with. Where as if you are going abroad sunshine or at least dry high temperatures are a given. Which means you can figure out what items that you want that could also be practical for your holiday.

Where Are You Getting Your Clothes

Maybe it’s time to consider that saving money on clothes could be resolved by where you are buying your clothes. We don’t mean hit up the fast fashion brands for a cheap win. We actually mean the opposite, as this clothes tend to only last a season before you notice wear and tear. However, if you are on a budget we understand that buying from higher ends brands isn’t the best solution. Which is why suggest that you look at buying second-hand. You can get some incredible steals and great purchases at a fraction of the cost. If you know what it is you are looking for then you won’t even be scrolling through the website aimlessly.

PLUS this month we are offering free response on our clothing and jewellery category. Meaning you can start building that summer wardrobe from the comfort of your home for £0! All you need to do is transact safely between our sellers and get yourself those new sandals you want for your holiday. This way you can enjoy the perks of Preloved and pay us NOTHING! Plus you can buy things for cheaper and let your budget stretch further.

More Tips On Building Your Summer Wardrobe On A Budget

Here are some more tips to get a firmer grip on your finances whilst still building your summer wardrobe and investing in some good clothes:

  • Buy Children’s Shoes For Adults
  • Recycle Old Clothes For Vouchers (Check Which Stores Offer This)
  • Search Online For Discount Codes
  • Snap Up Display Shoes
  • Dye Discoloured Items
  • Shop Outlet

Some of our other budget saving suggestions are:

Lucy Roberts

Lucy Roberts

Marketing Executive

Lucy works on all things Marketing in the Preloved Team. Not only does she love all things puppy related but she also enjoys trying her hand at any and all DIY's.