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Hints & Tips

Saving Money on Groceries

Experts say that gone are the days of one big weekly supermarket shop. Perhaps it’s due to the failure of Supermarket giants over the past year or so? Perhaps this is due to the rise of popularity in cheaper supermarkets like Aldi and Lidl? Either way, food shoppers have become more savvy. We’re refusing to pay as much as for our food, and are prepared to shop around more for great deals!

We’ve put together a short guide to cash-saving food shopping to make sure you’re getting the most munch for your money.

Online Shopping

These days, it’s so easy to shop for food online. We’re less tempted by appealing in-store offers, and it’s easier to just buy the things we need. If you haven’t tried food shopping online yet, what are you waiting for? It’s a guaranteed money-saving method and is relatively easy and hassle-free, whilst also a way to save valuable time.

Some smart shoppers order their bulky items online, and then go in store to collect them. Most supermarkets will put your order together before you arrive, meaning you can get the things you need and be in and out in no time without spending money unnecessarily!

Don’t Be Afraid to Shop Around


We’re told that supermarket loyalty is dead. With new players in the supermarket game, it makes financial sense to get the bulk of a food shop, meat, fresh fruit and vegetables, milk, pasta etc., in cheaper but high-quality supermarkets, and only venturing into the somewhat over-priced superstores for branded products you can’t find anywhere else.

Doing a big shop every fortnight and topping up food stocks with bits and bobs from local convenience stores is a good way to make sure you’re not buying food which won’t get eaten – one of the main ways reasons shoppers waste money!

Write Lists

Before you even set off to the shops or log on to the supermarket website, it’s essential to have a clear idea of what you need to buy. This is why it’s so useful to write a list, or at least thought about all the things you need to get before you begin.

Plan Meals in Advance

Check out the latest post on your favourite food blog, or browse your Instagram feed for healthy and tasty meal ideas. Make sure you know exactly which ingredients you’ll need to buy (and which one’s you’ve already got in the cupboard!).

Go Solo

man in supermarket

Taking your children or partner shopping with you will inevitably lead to extra purchases. That’s why it’s a great idea to go shopping alone. It means you can go straight to the isles you need things from, and be in and out of there in a flash.

Don’t Shop Hungry

This one is self-explanatory. Eat before you go. You’ll be less tempted to buy things you don’t need!

Brands Aren’t Always Best

food in fridge

We’re often lead to believe that branded goods contain the best quality ingredients and taste better. Of course, this is mainly due to personal preference, but supermarket’s own brands are often a tasty and cheap alternative. (Sometimes you can’t even tell the difference!)

Don’t Be Misled by Loyalty Schemes

Loyalty schemes aren’t always as good as they seem. The points that you get on your Clubcard or Nectar Card don’t always mean you’re getting stuff for free. Tesco and Sainsbury’s factor these loyalty points into the prices of their products, so never shop anywhere purely because of the loyalty points.

Once the cooking’s done…

Freeze meals and always use up leftovers!

Do you have any more money-saving shopping tips? Tweet them to us @Preloved

Adele Gardner

Adele Gardner

Creative Writer

Adele is a creative writer for Preloved. She loves literature, travelling, baked goods and is always hunting for new music.