Preloved This is the Preloved logo mark which shows a symbol shaped to represent a speech bubble and the letter P with a love heart symbol cut out of the center. The words 'Preloved' are represented along side the logo mark.

Paws For A Cause With Support Dogs

We’re proud to work closely with a number of the UK’s leading animal charities. But there’s one particular organisation with a special place in our hearts! Support Dogs provides life-changing assistance and companionship for people with challenging medical conditions by training and supporting specialist assistance dogs!

Some of you may remember the story of Duffy,  the amazing assistance dog found on Preloved, trained to use the world’s first dog operated washing machine! Duffy’s recently retired and is putting her paws up after providing an invaluable service, and unconditional love, to her owner, Liz.

Support Dogs

Support Dogs’ Duffy, and her owner, Liz

Like most charities, Support Dogs, always require support from the public to help them continue doing their incredible work. But did you know that they can actually help you?

Become A Puppy Socialiser For Support Dogs

Getting a puppy is a huge commitment that many people simply can’t take on. But people still long for that furiendly connection. Have you ever considered becoming a puppy socialiser? Support Dogs relies on volunteers to provide loving homes for their puppies during their first 14 months before they join full time training.

One such volunteer is Wakefield dog-lover Julie Helliwell. She had never owned a pooch in her life. But over the last 3 years has given 13 puppies the very best start in life. She says she’d highly recommend being a puppy socialiser, especially to people who love dogs but don’t want the commitment of owning a dog.

She says: “It’s so convenient, and all our food and vet’s bills are paid for. And you can literally take the puppies anywhere, it’s not like having a pet dog which doesn’t have access to restricted areas. It’s a nice way to volunteer and we absolutely love doing it.”

Support Dogs Puppy Socialiser

Puppy Socialiser, Julie Helliwell and Corey

Thinking About Rehoming Your Dog?

Life throws curve balls, situations change, and heart-wrenching decisions are made. We would always advocate Surrender, Don’t Sell, but there are other options that can actually save lives! Support Dogs train dogs in need of a loving new home to provide life saving support for children and adults affected by autism, epilepsy or physical disability.

Support Dogs are very open minded, but there are some basic guidelines and restrictions for what they’re looking for when considering a dog for initial assessment. Support Dogs are looking for dogs that are:

  • Aged between 10 months and 3 years
  • Confident, friendly with people
  • Friendly with other dogs (bonus if they like other animals too)
  • Motivated for food/toys
  • Show no signs of aggression or possessiveness
  • Have no health problems
  • Have no major fears or phobias
  • Ideally located within 3 hours of their training centre in Sheffield, but outside of this they would ask for videos of the dog first.

If you own or know of a dog in need of a new home and might have the potential to become a life changing support dog, please get in touch with Support Dogs today! You and your dog could make a real difference!

Support Dogs

Support Dogs 2023. Registered Charity No. 1088281



Community Manager

Tina's been part of the Preloved family since 2014 and spends most of her time reviewing Preloved policy and speaking with external parties, such has charities, forums, and government agencies. She enjoys spending quality time with her family, pets, friends, and Netflix.