Preloved member, Robert, gives the Preloved Community a Pupdate about his beautiful Maine Coon, Panther, and tell us about some of the joys of getting to know him and become familiar with his habits.
Panther is a four year old American Maine Coon cat. I got him from his original breeder, and in no time at all we became good mates. I had a Persian cat for 14 years before Panther, so I was used to a cat’s requirements. I’d been in involved with large dogs for a number of years, and because of this, I wanted a larger than normal cat… a fully-grown Maine Coon to be precise! Panther is four years old, and I’ve had him since October last year. He came from one good, loving home and into another.
He’s friendly, loving, amusing and cheeky. One of my favourite things about living with him was finding out about his true habits – he snores in bed like a drunk old man (he even wakes me up with his snoring), he doesn’t like to be lower than me, he walks on kitchen surfaces (I don’t like it but he can’t be stopped). He’s very easy to live with, although sometimes he just ignores me, like all cats do. He was a stud cat in his past but nowadays he is just a real pet. We eat together, sleep together, we even use the bathroom together (I can’t go anywhere on my own!). He’s an indoor cat, and sings to the birds through the window. I’m sure he would love to be able to get at them! His favourite toy is the plug in the bathroom sink… he’s very well loved and he knows it.
Some advice I’d give to anyone looking to care for a Maine Coon, or any animal in fact, is think about why you’re doing it, and remember, it might not be exactly what you expected but make sure that you still love your pet through thick and thin, no matter what.